Green Bird High School was established on January 1999 under the ministry of education and vocational studies
Green Bird High School works in a belief that love of learning is a result of character formation and shaping, self - discipline, responsibility, personal growth and leadership, courtesy, etiquette and good manners and instilled in the student from the beginning of their school life.
Our school motto is "sky is our limit”
School years at Green Bird High School will prepare you for life and learning beyond school. We are proud of our school and our boys and girls. We will provide you with the opportunities and encouragement to attain the highest personal standards of achievement.
The school accommodates comfortably up to 600 students.
The school have modern computer laboratory with internet access taught to every student free of charge.
The school have library equipped with books.
The school have chemistry, physics and biology laboratory with well trained and certified technicians.
Recreational facilities such as basketball pitch, table tennis, football pitch.
Green Bird High School is unique in such a way
Welcome to Green Bird High School!
We prefer Quality Education, to make sure this happen we...We prefer Quality Education, to make sure this happen we...We prefer Quality Education, to make sure this happen we...